
Intoxication Causes Destruction

Whether intoxication is of alcohol, hemp, opium, heroine etc, it will become a cause of your total destruction. First of all, intoxication makes one a devil.  Then it destroys the body.  There are four important organs of the body: - 1. Lungs, 2. Liver, 3. Kidneys, and 4. Heart.   Alcohol first of all destroys these four  organs. Hemp completely destroys the brain. More than alcohol, heroine makes one’s body hollower. Opium weakens one’s body. It stops functioning. It functions only when charged with opium. The blood gets polluted. Therefore, these intoxicants should not even be kept in the village or  city, let alone at home. One should not even think of consuming them.  A person used to work at Palam Airport in Delhi. This dates back to year  1997.  At that time, his monthly wage was twelve thousand rupees. This Das (Rampal Das) went to deliver Satsang in a village in Delhi. There an old woman along with her three granddaughters came to the house where satsang was being h